Even Super Heroes Need A Place To Call Home

This is a story about my super heroes going from being homeless and living under a street light (..lamp) to living in a mansion.

Action Figure Blog

BUT….That situation was much better than this option.

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My action figures weren’t about to move into this. Well….Maybe if they get married and their wife makes them (Sorry Wonder Woman!). For now, they are single and allowed to make their own decisions. They needed a cool lair to call their own.

So…with some old Ikea storage units, wood, dad’s handyman skills and lots of mommy magic…….THIS WAS BORN!!!!!!!

House Start to Finish

It was a process. (…I supervised while playing video games.)


Outside Features


Let’s take a look at all the cool spaces.

Inside My Lair

My action figures told me that if they ever get married, they’re keeping this place as a secret. Hey! Secrets and Super Heroes go hand in hand. Don’t judge them!!!!

Anyway…Here’s one last look at my secret lair, in it’s secret location in my room I mean…it’s secret location in the world.






Breaking News: He got off Scott free!

He was caught at the scene of the crime trying to flush all evidence of Scott.


He denied all involvement, but it was clear that he was on something at the time.


Scott was everywhere, tousled around carelessly like freshly curled hair


I’ve never seen anything like this before. Clearly there was no remorse.


But…..We took him to trial…The glove didn’t fit, so we had to acquit.


(Scott tissue will be in our prays.)

Big Game

I got the ball.

Justice and Gramma Dee 007

It’s mine.

I’m going for the pass.

Justice and Gramma Dee 005

And it’s up.

Justice and Gramma Dee 004

Another sweet catch.


Justice and Gramma Dee 006

The big game made me tired.

It’s hard being an athletic superstar.

Justice and Gramma Dee 010

But when you are…..

You can afford to buy big game, like elephants

…..and take naps with them.

Siegfried and Roy? Whatever!

Justice and Gramma Dee 012.NEF

Stuffing and Stuff

I know you missed me. I’m sorry.

We took a break for the stuffy-stuff holidays. You know….the day to stuff your face and then all the stuff that comes after you stuff your face to celebrate getting stuff. And I’m really scared of Fridays now. At least one of them. I didn’t know we had a crazy shopper day. Some traditions are really silly. Mommy and daddy kept me home safe.

Well….You didn’t miss too much.

Here I am taking a pre-nap before I eat my Thanksgiving meal. It must have helped because I was moving fire after I ate. I think mommy called it “hell on wheels”. Whatever!


Then I went outside to play with my shadow.


Then I talked to a tree.


Then I played football with my brother. I let him think he tackled me.


Moving on to some Christmas decorating. I’m helping my sister with the tree. See me making that wood garland dance?  I should be a snake charmer.


Okay……Maybe I’m not exactly helping her.


Yeah….I didn’t like where she put that.


Oh my goodness. Are you seeing these powers?

Look at that throw. Look at the garland standing up in the air. I really need to go to Vegas and have my own show.


Looks like it’s back to the business of decorating. She’s so serious.


Wait! Is she judging me? I can feel her eyes on me. Clearly she’s close-minded. Garland can go vertical.


Look at that. Almost perfect.


Oh good. There’s more. I don’t want this spot to look bare.


So……Sorry if you missed me. I’m still in school. I don’t see myself dropping out yet. I still eat, drink, sleep, poop and wreak havoc on my family. But….you might not be seeing my handsome face every day or even every other day. Times are getting crazy and between you and me…I think my mommy is becoming a slacker. Seriously….She stays home….How busy can she be?

Hoops With My Homey

So…..Here’s a little taste of what I did yesterday after speech therapy. And my therapy…….I rocked it by the way, saying all kinds of cool things like pop, bubble, ball and beep beep. I also signed the word play. 

I know. I know. Don’t hate!

Well…..mommy and daddy took me to play. Here’s a nibble.

Dudes need action! (Day: 40)

After missing time for being sick……I had to go back to school today. We had pancakes for lunch so that was pretty cool. What was even cooler…..my mommy and daddy brought me and my wife to the park.

Here I am swinging with the ball and chain. We were having a good time….at first. Then she started talking about wanting new clothes and why don’t I have a job.

Justice Jules at Park 016

I was sinking deeper and deeper into darkness. I just wanted to throw a toy at myself….over and over.

Justice Jules at Park 028

For a little bit…I thought about jumping from the swing….just to make it all stop.

Justice Jules at Park 029

Then I remembered I was a dude. And dudes don’t drop out of swings just because girls are hassling them. Dudes act crazy and find excitement.

I can’t drive…..so I decided to go fast on the slide instead.

Justice Jules at Park 067

Look at me! No hands.

Justice Jules at Park 068

Oh poopy! No one is here to catch me!

Justice Jules at Park 069

I can’t go rock climbing, but this looks easy.

Justice Jules at Park 075

Hmmm…..Not too bad.

Justice Jules at Park 079

Should my foot be on this bar or the one under it?

Justice Jules at Park 080

Shitake mushroom! Mommy! Daddy! I need a little help here.

Justice Jules at Park 081


Be the dude that you are and don’t swing with your wife. It’s not as much fun as it might seem.

Football, Tooth Care and My Wife is Back (Day: 35 & 36)

Last Thursday (Day 35) we played football at school.

Here I am, getting ready to kick the hiney out of this ball.


What the whatnots?!!  Where’d that girl come from?

Why are girls always taking everything a guy has?


Little did she know…..I have two balls. I’ve still got this one.


Let’s try this again before she comes back.



On Saturday: I taught my big brother synchronized dancing. He’s not that good.

Saturday Fun

Sunday was church.

I get to go in a room and play the whole time. I pulled the long straw with that agenda.

Check me out! I’m practicing good hygiene before we go.

Brush teeth 1

When we got back I chased leaves.

I wasn’t successful, but it was fun.

Catching Leaves

This is me again, (Day 36) doing the hygiene thing.

I’m getting good, except I throw my toothbrush when I’m done.

In my defense, I’ve been playing football and it’s kinda like a touchdown using the “in your face” ball smack down.

Brush Teeth 2

After school, my wife came over.

I found out she’s going to be living with us for twelve hours each week. That’s seems like too much. Daddy told me that’s about as much time as most people see their wives. Sometimes more! How do dudes do it? 

wife 1

I’m hiding from her now. I hope she doesn’t find me.

wife 2

Oh…..She found me and someone gave her the wife manual on wrestling moves.

wife 3

We’re going to bed now. Separate beds of course.

I don’t need my wife all up in my face when I’m trying to rest.

I’m not a piece of meat.

wife 4

Are you in the right circles? (Days: 33 & 34)

DAY 33: Here I am working on my circle skills. This is not trickery courtesy of my mommy. That is my handiwork people.

Happy Gilmore and Picture Day 017

No school on Tuesday cause the grownups around here had to use the schools to do something called voting. They had to go fill in someone else’s circles. Mommy and Daddy must have been embarrassed because they had to hid behind a curtain to do it. Then someone gave them a sticker when they were done. Sounds crazy to me.

I hide and do things. I don’t get stickers.

DAY 34: This was Wednesday. Today was picture day at my school. I don’t need to worry about my looks, so I decided to keep working on my circle skills.

Happy Gilmore and Picture Day 051

Time for school.

Bringing my pad with me.

Happy Gilmore and Picture Day 054

Oh shitake mushroom!

Who put that drop there?

Happy Gilmore and Picture Day 055

It’s good.

I’m up.

I got this.

Happy Gilmore and Picture Day 056

Okay. Can you put the camera down and help me down these steps?  You know I can only keep my eyebrows up like this for so long.

Happy Gilmore and Picture Day 059