Everything I know about being a parent to a child with down syndrome….. (Mom took over!)

Here it is:

”          “

I don’t know anything about being a parent to a child with down syndrome. I can’t tell you about parenting: a son with a lazy eye, a daughter with my sarcasm or a son who is an open nerve. BUT…..I do know…..

Beyond food, shelter and clothing, children need love, understanding, patience and guidance. It’s a parent’s job to help their children reach their full potential. Whatever that may be.

I’m self-sufficient. (PreK: Day 15)

Mommy took this picture of me after I got home from school today. It was a half day, which for me meant only two hours. That was a good thing since I had to talk to my associate.

“Mom. I told you not to eavesdrop on my meetings with my consigliere.

There are some things…..you can’t unhear.”

Day 15


I can get what I need.

See me at the big black thingie?


Look at how effortlessly I opened it with my tiny little fingers.


See how focused I am? I’m bending down and reaching for what I want.


Tortilla chips. My favorite.


Now you know how I get to this happy place.

I know where the snacks are kept.

I won’t starve.


Be aware. Be very aware. (PreK: Day 14)

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

To bring awareness, I’m gonna share something everyday that you may or may not know already. Don’t worry though……You can still stalk me at preschool. Scratch that. You can stalk my adventures on this blog. Stalking in real life will get you arrested you big dopey! And….That would be the nicer option.

This is me at about 6:30 this morning. Even in the most coffee necessary timeframe for most Americans, I am up and using technology. Okay. I might not have pants on, but I’m guessing a lot of people weren’t wearing any at that time either.



I can use an iPad just as well, if not better than any kid my age. I don’t lick it. I don’t try to eat it and I don’t throw it. It’s not like I’m an animal. I’m a responsible human being, who understands it’s a privilege to have electronics. AND……My family understands that keeping their limbs intact is a privilege they will quickly lose if they mess with my iPad privileges.

I know what I’m doing. (PreK: Day 8)

We’re leaving.

I’m ready. Are you?

Day 8-1

I know.

We’re going outside. DUH!!!

Day 8-2

How did you get in front of me like that?

That’s kind of creepy.


Okay. Well…..I’ve got my ride.

Can I get a boost up?

Day 8-4

MY SCHOOL DAY: playing, eating, private stuff, speech, occupational therapy

SPEECH: I signed the word more and said the word “pop” several times when playing with bubbles today. That bubble play with mommy is paying off.


Day 8-5

Seriously?: Preschool Day 4

You’re kidding right? What do you mean this is the last day “this week”?

When is this school thing going to end?

Next thing you know……You’re going to tell me I have to go until I’m like twenty!

UHHHHH…..Why aren’t you laughing?

School Day 4

To wipe or not to wipe? That is the question.

Justice and Wipes 001

Hey mommy! You know,

in a way, these are really MY wipes.

Justice and Wipes 002

Backtalk? You mean backend talk?

(Okay. Clearly, no sense of humor.  So now what?)

Justice and Wipes 004

I’m cleaning up mommy.

Justice and Wipes 005

(Ridiculous! She spends money on this other stuff.

She can’t buy me my own wipes?!!)

Justice and Wipes 009

There’s the last one. Safe and sound mommy.

Justice and Wipes 011

Look! I even shut the lid for you.

Justice and Wipes 007

(Now  I’m taking these with me, going in circles,

and confusing her with where I am. I’m not done with these yet.)

Justice Flagging Wipes 002


Justice Flagging Wipes 003


Justice Flagging Wipes 004


Justice Flagging Wipes 006

(I better put these back quick.)

Justice Flagging Wipes 005

(I get the feeling she’ll be needing these soon.)

World Down Syndrome Day 2013: Get down with Down Syndrome!

WDSD 2013 Cover Pic

My siblings wore these cool shirts to school today.

They rock…….almost as much as me.

kid socks

They also wore their crazy socks to raise awareness for down syndrome.

Lots of Socks is the theme today for World Down Syndrome Day!!!!

My first official piece of artwork!

This is me getting ready to try my hand at art.

Repeats and few new 179

This is my proof of success.

Repeats and few new 184

Before you ask: No. This is not for sale!

My Magnificent Milestones

Milestones are big news for kids, but especially kids with a disability. I don’t know why? It’s not like we are bionic or science experiments, but how cool would being bionic be? Too cool!

Anyway……I just started walking, but I’m pretty good at it. I feed myself with some mess and I’m deciding if I want to start talking or not. Basically, I’m the mysterious, hot dude outside the lunch room wearing a leather jacket. I’ll do what I want, when I want. NO peer pressure for me.

But…..I do have some stuff I’m pretty proud of that I want to share with you. I’m only 28 months old and I’m not trying to make anyone jealous, so I am sorry if I do.

I CAN…..

dance on my back, on a bed, while laughing

Break dance on bed

determine if I look fat in my clothes without anyone’s help

Do i look fat

drink from a big cup that has flowers on it … I’m secure in my manhood.

Drink from straw

flush the toilet … I don’t use it yet, but I’m light-years ahead of kids 2-20 times my age on the flushing part.

Flush potty

create mathematically and architecturally amazing stool forts


use a flashlight to irritate the dog and entertain myself

MOrse Code

point the finger at the guilty party … The blame game is a true childhood milestone that some never outgrow.

Point the finger

put the toilet paper back after ripping it out … It’s called redemption.

Put toilet paper back

do the sidewinder grin, which is quite challenging … It’s actually the first step in learning ventriloquism.

Side smile sneer

use Cheetos to become a Sabertooth tiger

Tiger Cheetos

show my guns off for the ladies … We all know that is the most impressive milestone of them all.

nmn cxzz

Even cuteness takes a break.

My house has been invaded by the germ monster and I’ve been his favorite. Mommy has been nice by not taking pictures of me. Plus, my cuteness (looks and mostly mood) faded because of yuckies anyway. The doctor said it would come back. In the meantime, mommy said she is working on something to put on here, but I don’t know how cute it will be. I guess not as cute as me.

Valentines 001

I’ve been hearing stuff about Momma Bear lately. So…..I love my mom and I thought this is what she is gonna be.


But the more I listen…….Well……I think she might end up being more like this momma bear.


I’m glad she loves me and is on my side of things.